It’s that time again…time to watch people on the internet confidently say something that is 100% wrong. It’s one of the oldest pastimes on the internet!
1.You can do all the math you want, but if you start with the wrong numbers… also, I really HOPE the world population doesn’t halve every 82 years!
2.You think Chihuahuas just fell from a coconut tree?!
3.The French word for “qualification” is “qualification”, you just have to pronounce it in a French way.
4.Wow, congratulations to the women who are now apparently immune to bleeding!
5.“America was not founded in 1776” is a pretty bold statement.
6.The implication suggested here that this commentator might believe that either viruses or bacteria – one of the two – are not contagious is something that worries me greatly.
7.They went for the enlarged capital letters and everything.
u/SaneYoungPoot2 / Via
8.It is, in fact, a country made up of four countries that are by no means sovereign nations.
9.Did you read the data in a European way?
10.Interesting fact: ‘ does not mean “year”.
11.I checked it. It should take about 8.3 minutes.
12.Rule of thumb: Never use the word “obvious” on the Internet.
13.In fact, it wouldn’t be the first game.
14.“A solid group of people” kills me.
15.Do you mean a metaphorical detachment, so to speak?
16.For your information, this is not the case.
17.Good news: you don’t sound like a nerd or rude!
18.I mean, if you ask Aang, it’s an element.
H/T to r/confidentlyincorrect