A Telegram news channel covering the city of Ufa in the Republic of Bashkortostan in Russia’s Volga region has published footage shot by one of its readers showing video cameras in a gynecologist’s examination room in one of the city’s hospitals.
The confused reader explained that she was initially asked to sign several documents, including a form giving her consent to be filmed during her hospital stay, but was told by a hospital employee that the facility only had cameras in the hallways.
However, the patient, who wished to remain anonymous, later noticed that cameras were also installed in several doctors’ offices, and she filmed a camera placed directly in front of a gynecologist’s table in a private examination room.
The hospital’s chief physician, Radik Nadyrgulov, rejected the “inaccurate” claims and insisted that the cameras were installed “in accordance with government regulations” and with the aim of preventing terrorist attacks.
Nadyrgulov added that the angle of the camera is such that it is impossible to film a patient during an examination. Moreover, access to the recorded material is strictly limited and can only be handed over to law enforcement agencies and courts.