W.Va. DoHS Announces 15% Increase in Provider Rates for I/DD Waiver Program

W.Va. DoHS Announces 15% Increase in Provider Rates for I/DD Waiver Program

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Lawmakers were briefed by the West Virginia Department of Human Service on Monday during the August interim session. The Finance Committee heard from Secretary Cynthia Persily, who provided an annual review of Medicaid.

Problems with Medicaid funding were the focus of a special session in May, when lawmakers provided additional funding to offset cuts to programs such as the intellectual and developmental disability tax exemption.

The program provides families and caregivers with the resources and payments they need to pay staff or supplement their income instead of having to place their loved ones in a care facility.

Persily announced that the Department of Health will increase provider compensation by 15% to address the shortage of home care workers across the state and facilitate their retention.

The agency has taken nearly 100 people off the I/DD waiver waiting list to replace others and plans to take another 50 people off the waiting list in the fall. There are currently 763 people left on the list.

“We need to look closely at higher numbers because we believe that will put a strain on the system,” Persily said. “The governor has asked us to look into the possibility of removing everyone from the waiting list, so we will do that carefully.”

The increase in contributions for family support and personal care will come into effect on October 1.

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