The Tooele family finds their dog again after three years of separation and microchip dispute

The Tooele family finds their dog again after three years of separation and microchip dispute

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After a battle, a family from Tooele is finally reunited with their furry companion Loki, who went missing three years ago.

“I always prayed for him. I always asked God to help me find him,” said Alexia Linares, the owner. “I was excited. My heart sank.”

Linarez never imagined it would be such a long journey to bring Loki back after he was found.

At the end of August, the family received a call from the microchip company informing them that the dog had been found in an animal shelter.

Linarez said the shelter would not return the dog because he had new owners.

“When they wouldn’t give me my dog ​​and told me he had a completely different owner, I was out,” Linarez said.

She explained that Loki was chipped and belonged to her, but the animal shelter did not want to give him back.

“I confronted her and said, ‘This is not fair,'” Linarez said.

She couldn’t believe it.

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“They said it was his second time there and that made me upset,” she said. “This is the second time. Why didn’t they tell me the first time he was there? They could have scanned him.”

Linarez said she never gave up hope and knew the truth would eventually come out.

“I was frustrated, but at the same time I was hopeful. I thought to myself, ‘You know what? Everything is going to be OK and I know I’m going to get him back.'”

She was right. Loki is home now and Linarez said she would do everything she could to make sure he never leaves her side.

“I’ll be more careful this time. I’ve learned my lesson,” she said. “I don’t want this to happen again. I suffered through these three years.”


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