When you live in a neighborhood, you usually have to deal with different personalities, and there is almost always that one person who likes to complain.
So how would you react if you were making an effort to fix something for the community and that same neighbor just criticized your work? Would you brush it off, or would you find a way to make your point?
In the following story, a homeowner finds himself in this exact situation and finds a creative solution. Let’s see what happened.
Lived in one of those new housing projects with a dozen mailboxes on a wooden beam with two posts.
The contractor had placed it on the corner of my property, but on a very steep street.
The postman left us all a note saying that he would stop delivering if we didn’t move the mailboxes to the other, ground-level street.
One night a car crashed into one of the posts, so a neighbor and I decided to repair and relocate the mailboxes.
It was a Saturday, so everyone saw us, but no one had even a few words of encouragement for us.
As soon as we finished, they all started criticizing the location, the height and everything.
There’s always that one guy.
The loudest was a guy who worked the night shift with his girlfriend and complained when my dog barked at his dog that he let roam the street while they slept.
My dog was in a fenced yard and this guy told me to block my dog’s view of the neighborhood.
I had built the fence specifically so that my dog could look out, but his complaint about the mailbox was the last straw.
So one day I took my blind rivet tool to get my mail and riveted this guy’s mailbox shut.
It took him a month to remove the rivet.
Oops! That’s a great way to teach him a lesson.
Let’s see what readers had to say on Reddit.
Here’s a great idea for next time.
This is revenge!
Forget the mailbox. This person is worried about the dog that roams the streets.
Excellent point!
It was a fun way to get back at the guy, but also pretty risky.
Tampering with mailboxes is a criminal offense!
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